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As Joseph Campbell put it… “If youre going to have a storyhave a big story, or none at all.” I have loved stories since my paternal grandmother fed me a steady diet of orally-told stories, often accompanied by her impromptu and dramatic piano playing. Brer Rabbit and his friends were a staple of my youth and traditional folk stories have become a core of my own storytelling.

Confucius said that if you find a job you love you never have to work a day in your life! I have been telling stories to children for fifteen years and loved every minute of it. I have had the privilege of telling stories in schools, preschools, theatres, festivals, residential homes for the elderly, weddings, parties, in fields, throughout Bristol’s parks, on beaches and once even up a tree! I have worked across the Bristol parks programme, at Bristol Zoo, the Children’s Hospital and the SS Great Britain. I was co-Director of the Bristol Storytelling Festival and run the Bristol Story Café. I write for Early Years Educator magazine, websites and blogs and have talked on BBC Radio Bristol about storytelling and early oracy.

I am a teacher, playworker, play therapist, educational writer, naming celebrant, Early Years teacher and professional storyteller. I have a warm, engaging style and use a variety of sounds, moods, actions, sensory elements and different languages, as well as a balanced repertoire of stories, to keep children engaged. My key focus is connecting with the children and allowing them to participate fully to so they are fully involved in the stories and really feel them. I often have children rushing up to me to retell me a story that I told them several years before!

To book call Paula on 07847 525 881 or email

Feedback on my story sessions:

“Paula is fabulous!”, Maisie, aged 4

“You have such a lovely manner with the children – full of humour and gentleness.” T, mum of 4 year old boy

“Its not as good as I thought it would be” pause… “it was 100 times better!” S, 10 of a bushcraft / story session

“You are fantastic with children, so calm and unruffled”, A, dad of a 3 year old

“She’s a real star, with the class of [10] small children, aged 18 months to five years, wrapped around her flexible fingers.” Bristol Evening Post